Kreenholm garden is an open garden and a garden residency (Kreenholm Plants) in the border town of Narva – a stones’ throw away from Narva Art Residency and a crows’ flight from the eastern border of the European Union and the western border of Russia. 

The garden is a sensitive and inclusive space for fingers-in-soil and feet-on-ground capacities – a space for cultivating reciprocity within communities of humans and the kin, an experiment of cyclical time and a gathering ground for tales about green thumbs.

Together with the residents – one for each season every year – we explore the practices centering the cycles of rot and growth, action and rest, day and night and the seasons. Our work with the Kreenholm garden is focused on sustainable use of resources (both of people and the planet), weaving the joy of doing with a no-fuss practical approach to learning through open workshops, held seasonally.

In 2021 and 2022, the Kreenholm garden communal beds are planted, tended and taken care of by the neurodivergent folks of Narva Social Care Center. 

Established in summer 2020, ongoing. Led by Sille Kima and Sandra Kosorotova.

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Kreenholm garden

‘Radical Ecologies in Baltic Art’ by David Ashely Kerr for Echogonewrong