Kreenholm Buzz is a piece of music made of collectively gathered sounds . Created in a workshop at the end of August, curious people and friends from the nearby Narva Social Care Center explored how to listen, walk and move their bodies while recording tender sounds on the end-of-summer Kreenholm. Listening fully to ones' surroundings brings us to deeper enmeshment with ourselves, each other and the location. Much like picking wild raspberries makes one supple and tender around the prickliness of its thorns.
The workshop “Sonic Foraging” was led by and the final tracks were assembled by Sille Kima.
The workshop outcome was a durational sound installation in the yard of NART, playing every day at sundown throughout the dark winter between two growth and gardening seasons, a reminder of the warm abundance of August through cold and dark times.
Participants at the workshop “Sonic Foraging”, recording sounds. August (2022). Image courtesy of the artist.