“holding the lavender twilight” is a sonic soother, holding space for ourselves and the bodies of others while going through the phase shift from light to darkness each recurring twilight. The live performance, starting at 16:43, the precise time of nautical twilight (the time when it gets too dark for mariners to navigate without the help of guidance lights) in the coastal town of Pavilosta on December 18, explores the capacity of tenderness to guide affection through phases of change.

Commissioned by VV Foundation in collaboration with curator João Laia and performed at the opening of the exhibition “∞”, at Pavilosta, Latvia.

performance recording on soundcloud

(1) Visuals for the performance, graphic design by Sandra Kosorotova.
(2) Photo documentation of holding the lavender twilight, live performance, Sille Kima, 2021. Photo: David Ashley Kerr.